SLAM has always available aluminium coils
of alloy 1000, 3000, 5000 in multiple thickness.
Through a cut to length line, aluminium sheets are cut
to the needed size in order to reduce scraps. Aluminium
sheets can be painted in our horizontal industrial painting
plant with RAL colours, SPECIAL EFFECT colours or WOOD
EFFECT colours. In SLAM we use polyester or polyurethane
powder coating from the best supplier in the market. Our warehouse
has more than 50 powder coated aluminium sheets in different colours
available to our clients for standard dimensions (1,2 x 4000 x 1500 or
1,2 x 3000 x 1500). Powder coated aluminium sheets can be shipped
after packaging or can be worked and bent to specific designs and
then packed in wooden box.

SLAM has a precision leveller/cut-to-length line that guarantees high flatness of the material thanks to several adjustment possibilities of the rolls and back-up rolls. Aluminium sheets levelled are perfect for painting oven and laser machines
because the sheets doesn't curve back and stay flat.
Material thickness can vary from 0,5 mm to 3 mm
depending on the alloy. Aluminium coils are
bought from primary Italian company,
that´s a guarantee for the reaction
to corrosion of the material.

This CNC machine can work on
different kinds of materials like: Aluminium
sheets, Aluminium Composite Panels, Acrylic,
Wood, HPL. This machine works based on DWG
or DXF files drawn with AutoCad or other design
applications. Furthermore you can explain to us your
needs and we can work together and make a project for
your application.

SLAM can bend aluminium sheets in order to satisfy our clients needs and producing specific designs for
example to realize building facades. Thanks to
more than thirty years of experience in this
field, our technicians are able to bend
any powder colors painted by our
horizontal industrial painting plant.
Our machines can bend
aluminium sheets up
to 6 mt length

Corso Salvatore D'Amato 79, Arzano (NA), 80022
tel 081 573 55 88
fax 06 91 48 63 55
via Pontina Vecchia, Km 33.400 - Ardea (RM) 00040 Italy
tel 06 91 46 034
fax 06 91 48 63 55